NEWS: Risking It All For A Better Life

Risking It All For A Better Life


Why is it okay to demonize a woman and her children who are risking their lives to escape danger by coming to the U.S..? Moreover, why are humans harming, robbing, or worse; killing - other humans? Why are so many risking it all to journey north and yet, we're being forced into the southern nations where safety, poverty, and survival are the common conditions of the land?  Where is the justice in Gabriela's case, the many like her who are simply humans attempting to survive? And too, where is there justice for Enrique's case - a man who came here at 19 and has done everything this country has asked of him - and more than many of this country's own citizens even try to do? Where is there justice in forcing anyone into harm's way - let alone - a positive asset to the society who is now married to a U.S. citizen. How could this be? For Gabriela and the many like her, and for ourselves, we wish we could do more to solve this inhumane suffering. Ideas are welcome!

Why couldn't an American family - if they so choose to - adopt and/or sponsor families like Gabriela and her boys?

Laws must change! We need a human-centered approach to immigration reform in the United States! We need it now.


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