Music: John Legend - Preach

Don't Just Preach

This song says it all! If you are disgusted with the Trump administration's inhumane policies on immigration, don't just "preach". Get up, get out, get activated! Call or email your senators and congressmen and women, start a blog of love, acceptance, welcome and good news. Seek out and support those in your community who are suffering!  Please don't disengage!

"I Can't just sit at home. Cant just sit and pray. When I can't find the love and all I see is pain - falling to my knee, though I do believe is I cant just preach!"

Subscribe to and share, like, comment to refute the negativity. Vote! And, whatever you do...don't let them wear you down or beaten into a position of complacency - the worst thing you can do!  Until all immigrants are welcome, until we restore morals, dignity, equality, and respect, we must RISE UP!


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