"What About Us? Peaceful Resistance Rally" Lands Divine Insights -Christ Church Cathedral Dean Carlsen to Present

We are super excited to announce, the honorable, Christ Church Cathedral Dean, Stephen Carlsen - will be presenting at this Sunday's "What about us?" Peaceful Resistance Rally for Immigration Reform. 

You may have read the news about the controversial cage placed around the baby Jesus - a graphic display of the inhumane separation of families made common by this administration. The move reached global significance making it to BBC news and other major news outlets.

Dean Carlsen will present as part of the celebration and peaceful resistance rally that will feature artists, musicians, and presentations by families affected by the rogue immigration policies as well as lawyers, dignitaries, and others.

The rally will be held in the parking lot behind the Irvington Branch Library at 5625 E. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46219. By design, this is a grassroots effort specifically inviting neighborhood participation. The event starts at 1PM. Parking will be limited. Attendees are asked to consider walking, biking, or taking public transportation. The day is expected to be in the 90's so attendees are asked to dress cool, use sunscreen, and stay hydrated for this important and energetic event. Bring your own personal tent for you and a neighbor, lots of water, and a folding chair to enjoy the show.

Baby Jesus 'detained' in Trump protest

US migrant family separations A US church has placed statues of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph in a cage on its lawn to protest against the Trump administration's immigration policy. The Episcopalian Christ Church Cathedral in Indiana, Indianapolis, put the display up on Monday night, saying the Biblical family were refugees too.

Harlon Wilson
US Citizen Spouse of Pending Deportee - Enrique Gonzalez


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